Beach balls to letter-openers. SBF has countless products and ideas to distribute your brand.
Promotional materials are often used for trade show giveaways and tabling at events. Here’s how they can help promote your brand:
At SBF, we understand the importance and impact of promotional materials. We work with customers to identify their brand and help determine which products might work best for their events.
While the items listed are the most common things our customers use, we’re certainly not limited to those items. SBF has countless products and ideas to match your goal and your budget. And we will not be undersold.
Contact us if you’d like to talk over some ideas, review samples, or discuss pricing.
People love to bring recreational items home with them. Offering personal items is a great way to keep your brand front and center in people’s home.
Some ideas for pre-printed, branded materials for the home include:
Items that recipients can take back to their offices to use prolong your brand exposure and keep your brand in mind for future sales calls and opportunities.
Some ideas for pre-printed, branded materials for the office include:
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